Startup Showcase: B-Line

B-Line: Advanced mobility analytics for infectious disease prevention and workplace optimization

The key to avoiding the outbreak of an infectious disease in a workplace is to break the chain of transmission.

B-Line helps building owners prevent the spread of infectious disease in the workplace by collecting highly accurate location data that identifies possible chains of transmission. B-Line’s data enables building owners to assess the risk of their portfolio and make data-driven decisions to protect building occupants and ensure tenant safety.

How it works: B-Line works in tandem with contact tracing tools used by medical professionals as an emergency alert platform that contains the spread of infectious disease in the workplace to prevent office outbreaks and ensure building occupants health and safety. Users simply enter an access code to download our mobile app for free. Once installed, B-Line’s anonymously collects and processes users’ commutes to and from work without overburdening users and instantly provides a 14 day summary of the data to employers, building managers, and tenants if an infectious disease comes into a workplace. It’s that easy.

Startup Showcase: B-Line from Shadow Ventures on Vimeo.

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